It is October, so that means that it is almost time for NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. In November I try, together with thousands of others, to write 50.000 words in a novel. I participated a few times before. I reached the goal a few times, a few times I didn’t, but this time I am going to try it again. In this blog you can read what my plans are… for now.

For a few years I have been working on the same story. And because it is the idea of NaNoWriMo to write a NEW story, I need new ideas. But what? This time I work full-time, so I need to take that into account. I don’t have time to think of whole new ideas on the spot. I can’t sit and look out of my window for the whole day, every day. I need to WRITE. I need to type on my keyboard without needing to think about it. So I need a plan.

And then I thought of my Patreon story. For the people that don’t know. I have a Patreon page. On this page people can give me money and in return they get exclusive posts. These can be posts about writing, but also writing itself. On my Patreon page I had been working on a story about pirates. It was a great story, but I wasn’t able to write on it for a while. It takes place in a fictive world, where there is a lot of water. But there is also land, where the rich people live. You have Peter, the son of a rich merchant. He is captured by a few pirate. This leads to a clash between the two world and a whole adventure begins. You can read the first chapter here.

So the ideas were there, but until now I had only written a few chapters. I couldn’t find the time to write the rest. But now that will change! For NaNoWriMo this year I want to write the story. This does not only mean that I will come further in my story, I can also share it with my Patreons.

And then the first problem arises. The first three chapters are online… but I want to write a new story. I want to count all the words that I write in the story, but I also don’t want to cheat by counting words I didn’t write during the month. Struggles, struggles, struggles. But I think I found the solution!

I will start over with this story. I didn’t write that much, so it is not that bad if I start over. It led to new ideas, so it wasn’t for nothing. Also, my Patreons will really survive if they need to read the beginning again. Also, I have so many Patreons… (sarcasm).

And then we come to problem two. This story will be English. I am only thinking of this when I type this, but my Patreon page is English, so that means that my story also needs to be English. I never tried NaNoWriMo in English, so I need to get used to that. Maybe it will be difficult, but I think I will be able to do well. It is a new challenge!

So this is my plan for NaNoWriMo this year. I look forward to it. I want to prepare myself the rest of this month, so I can start strong. So see you again in November!